Wednesday, October 30, 2019

 Back from a somewhat bitter/sweet trip to London. London was Janet's most favorite city in the world. So I had to go say goodbye for her. I took a friend with me, who had never been overseas. He asked me how many times have I been to London, and after counting, it seems Janet and I had visited London mat least 30 times over the yers. Sometimes just for a day, at the end or beginning of a trip. Janet's favorite animal if the elephant, so I rounded one up, took him to the middle span of Tower Bridge, gave him a hug and a kiss and over he went, to be forever, like Janet's spirit, in the heart of London.

Next was to have a pint and some English chips, she really liked the big tasty chips, we always had to  get on to each other to try to not eat too many of them. Janet was a larger girl, but on a cold day she liked a Guinness.

Last but not least, a night of live theater, my friend really wanted to see the Phantom of The Opera. Janet would have approved. Too much singing to me, but a delight to the eye.

I did a few other things that made me feel good, and then spent the rest of the trip trying to Mudlark. It seems some time in June I fell and cracked a rib, it healed but about a couple weeks before the London trip,I began to have trouble walking. Doctor said it was a pinched nerve and  fractured hip. Now that sounds terrible, but the fracture was barely visible. Now by the time of the London trip things got back to halfway normal, but the London streets took care of that, so I was not at full speed, which is usually WARP speed. I found only one spot I could get to for mud larking, it was pretty much well picked over, not surprising as it was just under Tower Bridge. I found a button that was all.
I am going back next year just to mudlark.

Two weeks before the London trip I sold three oil painting to a business near Piccadilly Circus, their logo was a wolf. I had painted 3 Yellowstone wolves and they bought all three.
I went pass the building hoping to see my paintings but they were redecorating and they said to come back a a month or so, which I will.

                                      Here are two of my paintings of Tower Bridge


  1. I love your paintings of Tower Bridge! I have always loved that bridge but I love it even more that I know of the little elephant in Janet's honor. That's exciting to know that you will go back to see your wolf paintings. Be sure to let us know on a post.

  2. Bitter sweet indeed Mac but I know from my own experiences that such things strengthen in the long run.

  3. Oh Mac, this just warms my heart. I know it had to be a very poignant trip for you but I'm glad you went and left something in the Thames that Janet would indeed love. Your paintings are simply lovely. I do hope you continue to keep up with us all and I wish you all the best with your leg and hip. (London is my favorite city too, and last year I hobbled around for three weeks with torn ligaments in my foot. When it's London, you do what you have to do.)

  4. Your paintings of Tower Bridge are beautiful.

  5. Oh Mac, I'm glad you went back to London in honor of Janet. Your wolf paintings are beautiful.

  6. It is so good to see a post from you. It was great of you to take this trip and leave the little elephant in the Thames for Janet. Your art is always very satisfying.

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  8. So great to see a post from you. I was thinking about the trip and how you were doing. I teared up at the Elephant and the Thames River. I also love London.

  9. A good trip, Janet would have enjoyed it! :)

  10. I am glad you were able to visit London and say goodbye for her. I imagine this being really difficult but also very important for you. Thinking of you and your daughter x

  11. I am so touched by how much you loved and still love your wife. You are an inspiration to us all. Sure hope you feel better.

  12. Such an interesting post, Mac. I saw the Tower Bridge for the first time in August. It's an inspiring structure. Later on that trip I also visited Bodmin Moor, where some of the stones in the bridge were quarried. I like to think of you walking in the same places on the bridge as I did. I love the way you honor your wife's memory--testament to a love well lived.

  13. As soon as I read about the little elephant going into the river, I thought of mudlarking - and wondered if one day it would turn up on the shores, to be found, treasured and wondered about. How many stories there are, in dear old Father Thames - and now you and Janet are fittingly part of the story too. Sending best wishes to you Mac, from the UK.

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  15. Hello Mac. Old visitor here from the UK. You must come back to London and mudlark nearer to the Globe Theatre on the South Bank. There is a sandy beach at low tide and some steps down to a stony shore that still yields clay pipes and pretty china shards.
    Well I visit these places in my memory for now. I hope you are well and coping ok with this strange and terrible situation.

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