Saturday, October 27, 2012

Are You a Barometer?

The weather forecasters are saying we'll probably not going to get any rain from Hurricane Sandy, but my right knee is telling me we probably will.
Now my right knee, lower back and left elbow all forecast rain at one time or another, but my right knee is the most accurate.
For years people have said they know when it's going to rain because their joints ache.  Scientists who have studied the phenomenon now say there is some validity to this, but that the actual culprit is not the rain or humidity, but changes in atmospheric pressure.
So I guess my knee is not a rain gauge, but rather a barometer, though it swears it's going to rain today.


  1. Don't hang your knee on the wall though - even if it does make a good barometer!

  2. Yes, I can't reach quite so high when rain is on the way.

  3. I get headaches and/or jaw pain when a storm system is moving through the state. No reliable rain predictors though.... :)

  4. Yes I'm a barometer. I have the kind you hang on the wall as well, and usually when I feel extra achy, and check the barometer, there is indeed a change in atmospheric pressure - usually for the worse.

  5. I don't know if I am a barometer but my right knee ached quite a bit yesterday and it has certainly rained through the night:)


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