I'm a little late with this, but I'm getting there. My new splint and the pain meds are making life much more comfortable. So I'm joining in with Amy at
Love Made My Home and the other bloggers for this week's Five.
First: My new Sous Chef, Mac. I can cut and peel, but I can't chop so he's taken over the job and like the Swedish Chef on the Muppets has thrown himself into the job.
Second: One-handed an all, I managed to make Gingerbread Men this morning. The first batch was made with whole wheat flour, because isn't that healthier? Well, they look good, but taste like nothing. The second batch was made with regular flour and taste much better.
Third: My Christmas Amaryllis is blooming its head off. The one from last year is growing, but don't know if it will bloom, so we bought a new one and it's just gorgeous.
Fourth: I have a new set of candles, they're battery operated so I don't have to worry about Miss Kitty knocking them over. She tries really hard not to knock things over, but accidents happen.
Fifth: I bought a new Christmas tray when we were out shopping yesterday, don't know what I'm going to use it for, but it was only a dollar and too pretty to not buy.
That's my 5, hope you have a wonderful weekend.