We've been hanging out with a band, who shall remain nameless (partly because they have more than one name and partly to protect the innocent) for nearly 6 years. They've broken up at least 4 times with custody of us being given to their then keyboardist. They fight, they drink, and they frequently make great music .
Prior to meeting them we had never been country music fans, we were rock people through and through. But they put so much enthusiasm and feeling into their music that we became fans.
Right now the lead singer is splitting himself between Nashville (where he's been working on a cd--though he keeps calling it an album--for more than a year) and the band here, and talking to him is difficult unless you begin each sentence with Nashville. He's talented, though not as talented as he thinks he is. While he's playing the Nashville game (as so many others have) the band is just sort of drifting and it's a shame, parts of it ( the lead guitar, the bassist and the drummer) are too good for what's going on.
Right now they're the House band at a club that the lead singer is part owner of, but he's not taking it very seriously (it's not in Nashville) and we're afraid the club is going to go out of business because no one's in charge and the rules, help and atmosphere changes from week to week.. Usually when we tell stories about the band they're funny, but I don't think this story is going to have a happy ending.
Awwww, that's too bad! Maybe they will get their act together soon.