Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Day Before

I think I'm ready for Thanksgiving.  I baked my pumpkin pie and boiled my eggs for deviling.
We're having mild weather so I weeded in the garden some more.
I've also been cleaning out some of my cupboards, they have become a dangerous thing to open as I tend to just open the door and throw stuff in there.  I washed all my pot holders and threw out those too disreputable to be seen in public any more.  I have one more cupboard to go, but it can wait until after Thanksgiving.
Normally we go and get a Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, but it's come much too early this year, we'll wait another week.  But I do need to start wrapping presents.
There's much to be thankful for this year.  Despite an awful diagnosis earlier this year I'm enjoying good health and ha ing strength and energy.  We got to spend 2 weeks with our daughter and she'll be here for Christmas.  Miss Kitty though getting older still seems to be a  contented dowager.  And I have a cleaning team
Hope you have many blessings too.


  1. I had to laugh at your description to your cupboards. In one I have the Tupperware avalanche, in another I can expect all sorts of things to tumble out. You are rocking it! I think I'll be wrapping a bit and decorating a lot this weekend. And we have two TG dinners to deal with. All good but tiring. I'm grateful your health has returned and all seems very well indeed. That's a blessing. Much joy this Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving. you did a lot..

  3. My Tupperware is gone after a moving purge.

    Glad you are feeling good. I had a tough year but all is clear.

  4. This sounds like the former busy and energetic Janet! Keep it going!

  5. I have cupboards like yours. Note to self - get them sorted.
    It is lovely to hear how well you are now.

  6. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Janet. It has been a difficult year and I am really happy to you are in good health. x

  7. I am thrilled you have good health, it has certainly been a difficult year for us too. Like you we have a lot to be thankful for.

  8. Much, much, much to be thankful for. My granddaughter keeps a very tidy kitchen. Things out of order "annoy" her. Her next roomie may be in for a rough go. The current roomie disturbs little.

  9. I am happy that you have good health and your daughter will be with you for Christmas!
    Happy good new week!

  10. Thanksgiving is easier to get ready for than Christmas. Thanksgiving is all about the food, I can handle that. Christmas always stresses me out in the weeks before, but once it's here I enjoy it a lot.

    I have cupboards like that. I need to pretend I'm getting ready to move and have to pay 50 cents per pound to move any item...


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